Hi Geert,
Well, after nearly 8 months, here is a patch to ImageFormatter and
TestImageFormatter that supports the "longest-edge-length". I've called
it "longest-edge-length" (previously "long-edge-length"), and left out
"shortest-edge-length" since it's redundant if you are maintaining
aspect ratio.
The patch zip include the patch to the test cases, the class itself
(with additional javadocs), and the two extra image files needed by the
test case.
The patch is against the 1.6.1 branch, which should be really close to
Joshua Hansen
Up Bear Enterprises
(541) 760-7685
Post by Joshua HansenHi Geert,
Post by Geert BevinHi Josh,
Cool that you're taking this initiative!
Thanks -- I'm excited about it! :)
Post by Geert BevinYou just need to checkout https://svn.rifers.org/rife/trunk/
Got it.
Post by Geert BevinCommit access on the core of RIFE has only been given to 2 other
developers so far. This is only after we've received a number of
patches and we're sure that their quality is sufficiently good. We
also want to make sure that the contributions follow the philosophy of
No problem.
Post by Geert BevinOnce you're finished with your code contribution, you can simply
generate a patch and send that to this list. I'll read over it and see
if it's complete enough for adding to the trunk repository.
No problem. I looked over the confluence articles about code
conventions and development, so I'll try to come up to speed on those too.
Post by Geert BevinLooking forward to seeing your work!
Thanks for the encouragement/suggestions to get involved (w/ Confluence
articles, JIRA issues, rife-contrib contributions, etc)! :)
Post by Geert BevinTake care,
Post by Joshua HansenI'm up for adding the transformer to the source, along with a unit
test(s) too.
Is there anything I need to know about what branch to make the change
in? (main? 1.6? other?)
Also, I have access to rife-contrib (user: joshuah). Do I need to do
anything special to get write access to the base rife repository?
Geert Bevin
Uwyn "Use what you need" - http://uwyn.com
RIFE Java application framework - http://rifers.org
Music and words - http://gbevin.com
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